Time for action – starting with a template
LaTeX editors often provide templates to start with. TeXworks offers some as well. So we shall test this feature, let's take one, open it, modify it, and Typeset:
In the TeXworks main menu, click on File and then on New from template. A window will open allowing you to choose a template:
In the lower part of the window, you can read the template's source. Here's an example of KOMA-Script (
):% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % An alternative to the standard LaTeX letter class. \documentclass[fontsize=12pt, paper=a4]{scrlttr2} % Don't forget to read the KOMA-Script documentation, scrguien.pdf \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \setkomavar{fromname}{} % your name \setkomavar{fromaddress}{Address \\ of \\ Sender} \setkomavar{signature}{} % printed after the \closing \renewcommand{\raggedsignature}{\raggedright} % make the signature ragged right \setkomavar{subject}{} % subject of the letter \begin{document} ...