Network tool
This section will describe a network tool that can be used for many purposes. Sometimes, this tool is called a Swiss Army Knife for TCP/IP. This tool is Netcat (
Netcat is a simple utility that reads and writes data across network connections using the TCP or UDP protocol. By default, it will use the TCP protocol. It can be used directly, or from other programs or scripts. Netcat is the predecessor to Ncat, as described in Chapter 11, Maintaining Access. You need to be aware that not all of the communication done via Netcat is encrypted.
As a penetration tester, you need to know several Netcat usages. Because this tool is small, portable, powerful, and may exist in the target machine, I will describe several Netcat capabilities that can be used during your penetration testing process. For these scenarios, we will use the following information:
- The SSH web server is located at the IP address
- The client is located at the IP address...