Keras is a very easy-to-use high-level deep learning Python library running on top of other popular deep learning libraries, including TensorFlow, Theano, and CNTK. As you'll see soon, Keras makes building and playing with models a lot easier. To install and use Keras, along with TensorFlow as Keras' backend, it's best to set up a virtualenv first:
sudo pip install virtualenv
Then run the following commands, if you have TensorFlow 1.4 source on your machine and your iOS and Android apps; use the TensorFlow 1.4 custom library:
mkdir ~/tf14_keras
virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/tf14_keras/
cd ~/tf14_keras/
source ./bin/activate
easy_install -U pip
pip install --upgrade
pip install keras
If you have TensorFlow 1.5 source on your...