Notes is the simplest app on Apple devices to keep all of your important notes, simple task lists, or even recipes, and all notes are synchronized to the iCloud server. So, all your notes are available to see on all of your devices authenticated with the same iCloud account.
Notes on your iOS device
Since the introduction of iPhone and iOS, Notes has been the default app for note taking. To create a note, you can open the Notes app and press the + button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. If your iOS device has Siri on it, you can create a note just by dictating. By default, all your Notes are saved to iCloud.
Sharing a note on iOS
You also can share your notes just by tapping the share icon at the bottom of the screen (next to the trash button). You can share it by e-mail, iMessage, or directly print it to any AirPrint-enabled printing machine.

Configuring Notes on iOS
You can change your default account to save and synchronize your notes by navigating to Settings | Notes, as shown...