Creating Created Global Temporary Tables (CGTT)
DB2 9.7 introduced a new type of temporary table: Created Global Temporary Table, also known as CGTT. The purpose of using a created global temporary table is the same as a declared global temporary table, which is to store the intermediate results within an application. There are some key differences between the two. The biggest difference between a CGTT and a DGTT is the existence in system catalogs. The definition of the created global temporary tables are stored in system catalogs, while it's not done for a DGTT. The content of a CGTT is still private to a session. Because the definitions of a CGTT is present in system catalogs, it persists. The advantage of its persistence is that it is usable in functions, procedures, and so on. Also, we don't need to declare the table every time in our application before using it. In this recipe, we will see how to create a created global temporary table (CGTT).
Getting ready
To create a declared global...