Time for action – Updating the position
Now, let's update the positions at every frame. To do that, we will create a simple function and call it in our ENTER_FRAME
event handler as follows:
private static function enterFrame(args : Dynamic) { player.x += horizontalSpeed; updatePositions(); } private static function updatePositions() { for(d in droppables) { d.y += 10; if(d.y>= 450) { droppables.remove(d); flash.Lib.current.stage.removeChild(d); continue; } } }
What just happened?
This is a pretty simple modification that just updates the position of every droppable and tests whether it is out of the stage or not. If it is, it then removes it from the list of droppables.
That's fine, but we still need the collision detection in order to know if our player touches a tomato or a bomb.