Time for action – Branching it with the main function
Now, let's just add some code to act depending on the action GET
parameters and get all parameters as needed by the action and pass them to our functions:
//Depending on the action GET parameter to do things: switch(Web.getParams().get("action")) { case "listPosts": listPosts(); case "addUser": createUser(Web.getParams().get("login"), Web.getParams().get("password")); case "listUsers": listUsers(); case "addPost": createPost(Web.getParams().get("author"), Web.getParams().get("title"), Web.getParams().get("body")); default: listPosts(); }
Therefore, our complete class is as follows:
#ifneko import neko.db.Connection; import neko.db.Mysql; import neko.db.Manager; import neko.Web; import neko.Lib; #end #ifphp import php.db.Connection; import php.db.Mysql; import php.db.Manager; import php.Web; import php.Lib; #end class HxBlog { public static function main(): Void...