Case studies and examples
Continuing with the case study about our mobile payments solution, we are going to look at the requirements gathering phase. For the sake of simplicity, we will focus only on a small specific scenario: a peer-to-peer payment between two users of the platform.
The mobile payment application example
As we are doing in every chapter, let's have a look at some examples of the concepts discussed in this chapter applied to the mobile payment application that we are using as a case study.
Requirements life cycle
In the real world, the life cycle of requirements will reasonably take weeks (or months), adding up to a lot of requirements and reworking of them, so it is impractical to build a complete example of the requirements life cycle for our mobile payment scenario. However, I think it will be interesting to have a look at how one particular requirement will evolve over the phases we have seen:
- In the gathering phase, it is likely we will...