In this chapter, you were introduced to the concept of a game engine in general and to Godot in particular. Most importantly, you downloaded Godot and launched it!
You learned some important vocabulary that will be used throughout this book when referring to various parts of the Godot editor window. You also learned about the concepts of nodes and scenes, which are the fundamental building blocks of Godot.
You also received some advice on how to approach the projects in this book and game development in general. If you ever find yourself getting frustrated as you are working through this book, go back and reread the General advice section. There's a lot to learn, and it's okay if it doesn't all make sense the first time. You'll make five different games over the course of this book, and each one will help you understand things a little bit more.
You're ready to move on to Chapter 2, Coin Dash, where you'll start building your first game in Godot.