Taking advantage of Session Prelaunch and Session Linger
Many people found it strange when Citrix changed the XenApp architecture from the old IMA to the new FMA so much so that they could no longer use the Session Prelaunch and Session Lingering features. Session Prelaunch was a critical component of many enterprise environments because it allowed IT administrators to get application sessions ready for users when they came in the morning to avoid inevitable system bottlenecks caused by mass logons during peak hours. It also helped prevent logon delays for users because the session was already launched for them and they just needed to click on the icon in the web interface to make the application appear on their screen immediately. Session Linger, on the other hand, allows sessions to be kept alive even after users close all their applications. This way, if a user decides to open one of the previously closed applications, the delay of launching a brand new session is avoided and the old...