Data structure
These initial sketches enabled me to quickly think about the underlying data powering the component. In previous chapters, we've stopped here to discuss whether the design requirements can be fulfilled by Ext JS. Instead, we're going to push ahead, put technology to one side, and just focus purely on architecture.
In some ways—as we're going with MVVM—the architecture is technology agnostic. We can create the kind of application that we want to build without feeling constrained by the framework we're using. This can be dangerous; in that, we might lose sight of particular client requirements or start drafting something that might turn out to be impossible. To this end, we introduce new checks and balances that we'll discuss in a little while.
For now, I continued with my pencil and paper to work out a data structure. As in previous cases, the UI design informs the underlying data requirements. Here's a quick insight into my design doodles:

It's the same as in previous chapters...