The invertible matrix theorem
The invertible matrix theorem is a great result in linear algebra because based on the invertibility of a matrix, we can say a great many things about that matrix that are also true. Since we now know a quick way to determine the invertibility of a matrix through the computation of the determinant, we get all these other properties for free!
Here is the actual definition. Let A be a square n × n matrix. If A is invertible (det(A) ≠ 0), then the following properties follow:
- The column vectors of A are linearly independent.
- The column vectors of A form a basis for ℂn.
- The row vectors of A form a basis for ℂn and are also linearly independent.
- The linear transformation mapping |x⟩ to A|x⟩ is a bijection from ℂn to ℂn (we studied bijections in Anchor 3, Foundations).
If the matrix A is not invertible (det(A) = 0), then all the preceding properties are false.
While it may...