In this chapter, we went through the full animation pipeline workflow from start to finish. Hopefully, by the end of this, you have a better understanding of how animation works and how it can be created. If you are interested in pursuing more animation in Unity, it is the perfect tool to get started and integrate into more projects. This is just the tip of the iceberg because the animation system in Unity is so robust, as we have seen thus far. The power of real-time rendering is that you can utilize animation in many different ways that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to in other programs such as Blender or Cinema 4D.
Just as our VR experiences are human-centered, the animation system and the way you create animation are interaction-centered, which in turn is human-centered as well. This is something to keep in mind as we craft interesting animated experiences, especially for VR because the utilization of these animations can be used across a variety of different...