Acquiring the Kali Purple distribution
The first step in setting up our Kali Purple environment is acquiring Kali Purple itself. This section will not be necessary for those of you who already work from a Kali Linux system. If that applies to you, feel free to skip ahead to the The installation of Kali Purple section, where you can get instructions about how to grab the Purple framework from within your Kali Linux environment. If that does not apply to you or you’d like to experience the process anyway, keep on reading.
We will find and download the combined Kali Linux and Purple framework first. This is because some VM installations, including the VirtualBox we will use as an example, will install the VM, Kali Linux, and Purple frameworks simultaneously, saving us a bunch of time.
Before doing so, let’s revisit the CIA triad. After all, the purpose of Kali Purple is security! So, let’s practice smart security habits from the start. Here, we will put to use...