Applications and code in Stata for survival analysis
The main objective of the HEDIS data is to predict in how much time the patient will go back to drug use after taking medicines. Here, we have divided the patients into two groups and have given two different lines of treatment: medicine=0 for short term and medicine =2 for longer term. The patients were divided into two sets: set=0 is set α and set= 1 is set β. In the following table, variable age = enrollment age, medth= methodus, and glycol= glycomet used by patients in the last 4 months. The medth1 variable denotes methodus use/glycomet use and medth2 denotes either methodus or glycomet use; however, medth3 denotes neither methodus nor glycomet use. The metfomindrug variable denotes the past medicine used and the line of treatment. The variable time denotes the times in which the patient goes back to the drug use, and the patient response denotes whether the patient came back. Patient response1 denotes a return to medicine use and...