Fencing test
When you configure a task as important as fencing, it is necessary to test it to make sure it works as expected. Luckily, the developers of such cluster software are also aware of this fact, and you can easily manage and test the fencing configuration with the fence_check
, fence_tool
, and fence_node
: This command is used to check the fencing configuration in the CMAN configuration file. Thefence_check
command checks whether the configured fence devices and cluster node fencing methods used are valid or not, and provides a verbose output.fence_tool
: Thefence_tool
command can be used to print information about the fence domain and also remove or join the cluster node from or to the fence domain.fence_node
: Thefence_node
command is used to manually test the fencing. You can use this command to manually fence the node you want.
The fenced
fencing daemon also provides a log file where you can get all of the information about fencing daemon and fencing actions...