The next stage here is to create our main program to use these classes. At the bottom of your code, create a new line and type the following:
class Program {
This will be our main program code and its entry points. Within this, write the following:
static void Main() { }
This is our basic Main function setup. Now we are going to make a Movable object. Type the following within curly braces:
Movable movableObject = new Fish();
On the left-hand side of the statement, we have Movable as the data type, and we're calling it movableObject. On the right-hand side, because we already have our two classes implementing Movable, I can put either a new Human object or a new Fish object. I'm going to use Fish for now.
We are going to use this with a switch block in a way that has not been possible until now. On the next line, type the following...