Connecting the BeagleBone Black to a wireless USB keyboard
You've been able to control your projects using a LAN connection, but you don't want to always have your projects tethered in this manner. In this section I'll show you how to connect via a wireless keyboard.
Prepare for lift off
Break out your USB keyboard. It should come with a USB dongle. Plug the USB dongle into the USB hub, and plug the hub into the BeagleBone Black USB port. If you are using a standard USB 2.4 GHz wireless keyboard, the entire system should look similar to what is shown in the following image:

You can also use one of the 2.4 GHz wireless keyboards that look more like a gaming controller in the same manner.
Engage thrusters
Apply power to the USB hub and the BeagleBone Black. After some time, the unit should power on to display the log-in prompt. As you type in the username you should see the characters, similar to what is shown in the following image:

After you type the username and password, you can type startx