Chapter 9: Azure AD B2C Custom Policies
In the previous chapter, we covered some more of the advanced features of Azure AD B2C. We looked at how you can configure identity providers in Azure AD B2C. We configured a LinkedIn identity provider inside Azure AD B2C and added it to the user flow we created in Chapter 7, Introducing Azure Active Directory B2C. Next, we covered how you can customize the UI and localization and looked at the integration of Azure AD B2C in Microsoft Graph.
In this last chapter, we are going to dive into custom policies. This is a topic on its own, and that's why I dedicated a whole chapter to it. We will look into custom policies and what they can bring to your custom applications. We are going to cover the Identity Experience Framework briefly, and you will learn the connection between custom policies and the Identity Experience Framework. And finally, we will create our own custom policy that connects to an Azure function and stores user profile...