S3 Glacier
S3 Glacier offers long-term archiving of infrequently accessed data at an incredibly low cost. You upload large amounts of data for long-term, durable storage in the hopes that you’ll never need it, but with the expectation that it will be there in the unlikely event that you do. Glacier guarantees 99.999999999 percent durability over a given year. Not coincidentally, this is the same durability level as the GLACIER storage class in S3.
Archives and Vaults
With Glacier, you store one or more files in an archive, which is a block of information. Although you can store a single file in an archive, the more common approach is to combine multiple files into a .zip or .tar file and upload that as an archive. An archive can be anywhere from 1 byte to 40 TB. Glacier stores archives in a vault, which is a region-specific container (much like an S3 bucket) that stores archives. Vault names must be unique within a region but don’t have to be globally unique.
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