Mapping buttons and menu selections
You can increase your speed and efficiency simply by placing access to tools, functions, and menu selections in convenient locations.
When you open the Command Palette (Tools menu | Command Palette), you'll see the button functions conveniently organized in tabbed sections. You'll also see the following three enable buttons at the bottom of the window:
Button to Button Reassignment: Enable this selection to map button functions from the palette to your interface and keyboard, to move around existing button functions on the keyboard and interface, and to copy an existing button function to another location.
Active Palette: Enable this selection so that you can leave the palette open and regain the ability to edit as well as to actually use/click on any function that's on the palette. For emphasis, when the Command Palette's button or menu reassignment functions are enabled, you will not be able to edit. To return to editing, either enable Active Palette or...