Creating and editing events
A route event is a point or linear feature that occurs along a route feature. Route events are stored in tables called route event tables. A route table contains a route identifier field (for example, RouteID
) that associates a specific route to the route point or linear event. Based on this route identifier field, a route table can store multiple events associated with a single route or can reference multiple routes. Also, multiple route events can reference a single route.
In ArcMap, you can create a layer of point or line features based on the information from the route event table. When you change a value in the route event table, the shape of the event (point or line) is automatically moved.
The features from the event layer are stored in a table and not in a feature class. You can export those event features to a feature class, but the dynamic connection between the route event table and routes will be lost.
Getting ready
In this recipe, you will create two...