Learning more about 3D graphics on Android
Of course, in the world of 3D graphics, drawing a cube is similar to printing "Hello World"; it is just a basic demo. Although we have introduced meshes, transformations, and perspective, there are many other topics that we have not touched at all, such as lighting, materials (realistic-looking surfaces), and importing an artist's work from 3D art packages. For a deeper understanding of 3D graphics on Android, have a look at these books:
Pro OpenGL ES for Android (Apress), by Mike Smithwick and Mayank Verma. This book covers Android's Java API for OpenGL ES.
OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide (Addison-Wesley), by Aaftab Munshi, Dan Ginsburg, and Dave Shreiner. This book covers the cross-platform C++ API for OpenGL ES.
Augmented Reality for Android Application Development (Packt Publishing), by Jens Grubert and Dr. Raphael Grasset. This book shows how to use JmonkeyEngine, a cross-platform Java game engine, to render 3D graphics atop real-world images...