Have you noticed ads that seem to just know what you want to buy, following you around the Web? I recently searched for "tennis shoes," visiting various websites but did not buy from any of them. Over the next few days, wherever I went on the Internet, be it my favorite news website or a blog I regularly read, I kept seeing ads for tennis shoes that I recently researched. This is called remarketing and is also referred to as retargeting in the world of online marketing.
Remarketing allows you to reconnect with users who previously visited your website as they go on to browse the Display network, setting you up for a second chance to convert. Remarketing can be an extremely powerful method of reminding your potential customers of your brand or reconnecting with them as they click on your ads but navigate away from your website without performing the desired action. This can help you look like a big brand, even if you are on a small budget.
If you are advertising with Google, you...