Using multiple currencies
As seen previously, the ADempiere cash book can be set up not only for one currency, but also for more. It seems that ADempiere has a multi-currency feature. What is the most important point that we need to know when implementing a multi-currency transaction?
Like many standard ERP systems, ADempiere has an ability to handle multi-currency transactions. For the prerequisites, you have to know and configure the:
Currencies that will be used
Currency conversion type, such as Spot, Average, and so on
Currency conversion rates
We will learn how to manage currencies in the following sections.
Currently, you have two ADempiere clients in your system: Sistematika Fashion, Ltd and Garden World. While working with multiple clients, there is a standard feature to share information among the ADempiere clients. An example of shared information is Currency.
To access master data like currencies, ADempiere provides a pre-configured System client. There is an option to set up...