Last week, Jolla announced the release of Sailfish OS 3.0.2. This release goes by the name Oulanka, which is a national park in Lapland and Northern Ostrobothnia regions of Finland. Along with 44 fixed issues, this release brings in a battery saving mode, better connectivity, new device management APIs, and more.
Sailfish OS Oulanka comes with a battery saving mode, which is enabled by default when the battery goes lower than 20%. Additionally, users can also specify the battery saving threshold themselves by going to the “Battery” section in the settings menu.
Improvements are made in this release so that Sailfish OS better handles scenarios when a large number of Bluetooth and WLAN devices are connected to the network. Now, Bluetooth and WLAN network scan will not slow down your devices. Also, many updates have been made in the Firewall introduced in the previous release, Sipoonkorpi, for better robustness.
This release comes with several improvements in the Corporate API. New device management APIs are added including data counters, call statistics, location data sources, proxy settings, app auto start, roaming status, and cellular settings.
Sailfish X, the downloadable version of Sailfish OS for select devices, continues to be in Beta for XA2 with the Oulanka update. With this release, the team has improved several aspects of Android 8.1 Support Beta for XA2 devices. Now, Android apps will be able to connect to the internet more reliably via mobile data.
To know more in detail about Sailfish OS Oulanka, check out the official announcement.
An early access to Sailfish 3 is here!
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