In this article by Dmitry Sheiko author of the book JavaScript Unlocked we will create our first web component.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
You might be familiar with HTML5 video element (http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/embedded-content-0.html#the-video-element). By placing a single element in your HTML, you will get a widget that runs a video. This element accepts a number of attributes to set up the player. If you want to enhance this, you can use its public API and subscribe listeners on its events (http://www.w3.org/2010/05/video/mediaevents.html). So, we reuse this element whenever we need a player and only customize it for project-relevant look and feel. If only we had enough of these elements to pick every time we needed a widget on a page. However, this is not the right way to include any widget that we may need in an HTML specification. However, the API to create custom elements, such as video, is already there. We can really define an element, package the compounds (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, images, and so on), and then just link it from the consuming HTML. In other words, we can create an independent and reusable web component, which we then use by placing the corresponding custom element (<my-widget />) in our HTML. We can restyle the element, and if needed, we can utilize the element API and events. For example, if you need a date picker, you can take an existing web component, let's say the one available at http://component.kitchen/components/x-tag/datepicker. All that we have to do is download the component sources (for example, using browser package manager) and link to the component from our HTML code:
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/x-tag-datepicker/src/datepicker.js">
Declare the component in the HTML code:
<x-datepicker name="2012-02-02"></x-datepicker>
This is supposed to go smoothly in the latest versions of Chrome, but this won't probably work in other browsers. Running a web component requires a number of new technologies to be unlocked in a client browser, such as Custom Elements, HTML Imports, Shadow DOM, and templates. The templates include the JavaScript templates. The Custom Element API allows us to define new HTML elements, their behavior, and properties. The Shadow DOM encapsulates a DOM subtree required by a custom element. And support of HTML Imports assumes that by a given link the user-agent enables a web-component by including its HTML on a page. We can use a polyfill (http://webcomponents.org/) to ensure support for all of the required technologies in all the major browsers:
<script src="./bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script>
Do you fancy writing your own web components? Let's do it. Our component acts similar to HTML's details/summary. When one clicks on summary, the details show up. So we create x-details.html, where we put component styles and JavaScript with component API:
.x-details-summary {
font-weight: bold;
cursor: pointer;
.x-details-details {
transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, transform 0.2s ease-in-out;
transform-origin: top left;
.x-details-hidden {
opacity: 0;
transform: scaleY(0);
"use strict";
* Object constructor representing x-details element
* @param {Node} el
var DetailsView = function( el ){
this.el = el;
// Creates an object based in the HTML Element prototype
element = Object.create( HTMLElement.prototype );
/** @lend DetailsView.prototype */
Object.assign( DetailsView.prototype, {
* @constracts DetailsView
initialize: function(){
this.summary = this.renderSummary();
this.details = this.renderDetails();
this.summary.addEventListener( "click", this.onClick.bind( this ), false );
this.el.textContent = "";
this.el.appendChild( this.summary );
this.el.appendChild( this.details );
* Render summary element
renderSummary: function(){
var div = document.createElement( "a" );
div.className = "x-details-summary";
div.textContent = this.el.dataset.summary;
return div;
* Render details element
renderDetails: function(){
var div = document.createElement( "div" );
div.className = "x-details-details x-details-hidden";
div.textContent = this.el.textContent;
return div;
* Handle summary on click
* @param {Event} e
onClick: function( e ){
if ( this.details.classList.contains( "x-details-hidden" ) ) {
return this.open();
* Open details
open: function(){
this.details.classList.toggle( "x-details-hidden", false );
* Close details
close: function(){
this.details.classList.toggle( "x-details-hidden", true );
// Fires when an instance of the element is created
element.createdCallback = function() {
this.detailsView = new DetailsView( this );
// Expose method open
element.open = function(){
// Expose method close
element.close = function(){
// Register the custom element
document.registerElement( "x-details", {
prototype: element
Further in JavaScript code, we create an element based on a generic HTML element (Object.create( HTMLElement.prototype )). Here we could inherit from a complex element (for example, video) if needed. We register a x-details custom element using the earlier one created as prototype. With element.createdCallback, we subscribe a handler that will be called when a custom element created. Here we attach our view to the element to enhance it with the functionality that we intend for it. Now we can use the component in HTML, as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Importing Web Component's Polyfill -->
<!-- uncomment for non-Chrome browsers
script src="./bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script-->
<!-- Importing Custom Elements -->
<link rel="import" href="./x-details.html">
<x-details data-summary="Click me">
Nunc iaculis ac erat eu porttitor. Curabitur facilisis ligula et urna egestas mollis. Aliquam eget consequat tellus. Sed ullamcorper ante est. In tortor lectus, ultrices vel ipsum eget, ultricies facilisis nisl. Suspendisse porttitor blandit arcu et imperdiet.
This article covered basically how we can create our own custom advanced elements that can be easily reused, restyled, and enhanced. The assets required to render such elements are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images are bundled as Web Components. So, we literally can build the Web now from the components similar to how buildings are made from bricks.
Further resources on this subject: