<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xml_lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>AJAX Chat</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link href="chat.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jQuery-1.3.2.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="chat.js" ></script>
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<table id="content">
<div id="scroll">
<td id="colorpicker">
<img src="palette.png" id="palette" alt="Color Palette" border="1"/>
<br />
<input id="color" type="hidden" readonly="true" value="#000000" />
<span id="sampleText">
(text will look like this)
<input type="text" id="userName" maxlength="10" size="10"/>
<input type="text" id="messageBox" maxlength="2000" size="50" />
<input type="button" value="Send" id="send" />
<input type="button" value="Delete All" id="delete" />
body { font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 1px; font-size: 12px; text-align: left }
border: DarkGreen 1px solid;
margin-bottom: 10px
border: #999 1px solid;
font-size: 10px
position: relative;
width: 340px;
height: 270px;
overflow: auto
margin-bottom: 6px
<?php // the name of the image file $imgfile='palette.png'; // load the image file $img=imagecreatefrompng($imgfile); // obtain the coordinates of the point clicked by the user $offsetx=$_GET['offsetx']; $offsety=$_GET['offsety']; // get the clicked color $rgb = ImageColorAt($img, $offsetx, $offsety); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; // return the color code echo json_encode(array("color" => sprintf('#%02s%02s%02s', dechex($r), dechex($g), dechex($b)))); ?>
First, make sure the application works well. Load http://localhost/ajax/chat/index.html with a web browser, and you should get a page that looks like the one in Figure 8-1.
If you analyze the code for a bit, the details will become clear. Everything starts with index.html. The only part that is really interesting in index.html is a scrolling region implemented in DHTML. (A little piece of information regarding scrolling can be found at http://www.dyn-web.com/code/scroll/.)
The scrolling area allows our users to scroll up and down the history of the chat and ensures that any new messages that might flow out of the area are still viewed. In our example, the scroll
$(document).ready(function() { }
Inside this function, we do several operations involving events related to the user interface. Let's analyze each step!
We want to be sure that a username always appears, that is, it should never be left empty. To do this, we can create a function that checks for this and bind it to the blur event of the textbox.
// function that ensures that the username is never empty and //if so a random name is generated $('#userName').blur(
function(e) {
// ensures our user has a default random name when the form loads
if (this.value == "")
this.value = "Guest" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
If the username is empty, we simply generate a random username suffixing Guest with a randomly generated number.
When the page first loads, no username has been set and we trigger the blur event on userName.
// populate the username field with // the default value $('#userName').triggerHandler('blur');
The success() function starts by checking if the JSON response contains an errno field, which would mean that an error has happened on the server side. If an error occurred the displayPHPError() function is called passing in the error in JSON format.
// function that displays a PHP error message function displayPHPError(error) { displayError ("Error number :" + error.errno + "rn" + "Text :"+ error.text + "rn" + "Location :" + error.location + "rn" + "Line :" + error.line + + "rn"); }
The displayPHPError() will retrieve the information from the error and call in turn the displayError() function. The displayError() function shows the error message or a generic alert depending on whether the debugging flag is set or not.
// function that displays an error message function displayError(message) { // display error message, with more technical details if debugMode is true alert("Error accessing the server! " + (debugMode ? message : "")); }
Next, in our ready event, we set the default color for the sample text to black:
// set the default color to black $('#sampleText').css('color', 'black');
Moving on, we hook on to the click event of the Send button. The following code is very simple, as the entire logic behind sending a message is encapsulated in sendMessage():
$('#send').click( function(e) { sendMessage(); } );
Moreover, here we hook on to the click event of the Delete all button in a similar way as the Send button.
$('#delete').click( function(e) { deleteMessages(); } );
For the messageBox textbox, where we input messages, we disable autocomplete and we capture the Enter key and invoke the logic for sending a message:
// set autocomplete off $('#messageBox').attr('autocomplete', 'off');
// handle the enter key event
function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
Finally, when the page loads, we want to have the messages that have already been posted and we call retrieveNewMessages() function.
Now that we have seen what happens when the page loads, it's time to analyze the logic behind sending and receiving new messages.
Because everything starts when the page loads and the existing messages are retrieved, we will start with retrieveNewMessages() function. The function simply makes an AJAX request to the server indicating the retrieval of the latest messages.
function retrieveNewMessages() { $.ajax({ url: chatURL, type: 'POST', data: $.param({ mode: 'RetrieveNew', id: lastMessageID }), dataType: 'json', error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { displayError(textStatus); }, success: function(data, textStatus) { if(data.errno != null) displayPHPError(data); else readMessages(data); // restart sequence setTimeout("retrieveNewMessages();", updateInterval); } }); }
The request contains as parameters the mode indicating the retrieval of new messages and the ID of the last retrieved message:
data: $.param({ mode: 'RetrieveNew', id: lastMessageID }),
On success, we simply read the retrieved messages and we schedule a new automatic retrieval after a specific period of time:
success: function(data, textStatus) { if(data.errno != null) displayPHPError(data); else readMessages(data); // restart sequence setTimeout("retrieveNewMessages();", updateInterval); }
Reading messages is the most complicated function as it involves several steps. It starts by checking whether the database has been cleared of messages and, if so, it empties the list of messages and resets the ID of the last retrieved message.
function readMessages(data, textStatus) { // retrieve the flag that says if the chat window has been cleared or not clearChat = data.clear; // if the flag is set to true, we need to clear the chat window if (clearChat == 'true') { // clear chat window and reset the id $('#scroll')[0].innerHTML = ""; lastMessageID = -1; }
Before retrieving the new messages, we need to check and see if the received messages have not been already processed. If not, we simply store the ID of the last received message in order to know what messages to ask for during the next requests:
if (data.messages.length > 0) { // check to see if the first message // has been already received and if so // ignore the rest of the messages if(lastMessageID > data.messages[0].id) return; // the ID of the last received message is stored locally lastMessageID = data.messages[data.messages.length - 1].id; }