Extracting PDF text using Screen Scraping
Screen Scraping in UiPath offers the capability to extract text from a specific application or UI element. The same Screen Scraping wizard that we used in Chapter 10, Exploring User Interfaces and User/Robot Interactions, can extract data from PDF files. Now that you have a general understanding of Screen Scraping, let's try to build a new workflow to extract text from the same PDF file using Screen Scraping:
- Open the PDF document that we need to screen scrape.
- Open the same UiPath solution you were working on in the previous section of the chapter.
- Create a new Sequence workflow file.
- Click on the Design tab in the top-level ribbon.
- Locate the Screen Scraping option and click it to open Screen Scraping Wizard. Clicking on it will automatically activate the UI element detection, and you will be able to highlight elements as you move the mouse pointer.
- Highlight the area of the entire page and left-click using...