Creating your first project in Adobe AE – an animated check icon
Cool, let me recap a bit here. Sometimes you may think, why go through all this effort to create an animation if we could just have a text or an illustration instead? Well, as we mentioned earlier, animations can be so helpful in terms of UX. They help us to talk to our users; we've learned how animation can communicate so many things, such as actions or emotions.
If we go back to our brief, remember we've decided to create a check icon that will show the user the purchase has been successfully made and the money is safe and well spent.
So, in UX terms, what sort of emotions do we want our users to feel? I guess something like the following:
- Safety: The purchase has been made correctly.
- Relief: The money hasn't been lost in the middle of the transaction.
- Excitement: Imagine the feeling you have after treating yourself to a new T-shirt. Exciting, right?
When animating...