Star join query optimization
Queries that join a fact table to dimension tables are called star join queries, and SQL Server includes special optimizations for this kind of query. A typical star join query joins a fact table with one or more dimension tables, groups by some columns of the dimension tables, and aggregates on one or more columns of the fact table. In addition to the filters applied when the tables are joined, other filters can be applied to the fact and dimension tables. Here is an example of a typical star join query in AdventureWorksDW2019
showing all the characteristics that were just mentioned:
SELECT TOP 10 p.ModelName, p.EnglishDescription,
SUM(f.SalesAmount) AS SalesAmount
FROM FactResellerSales f JOIN DimProduct p
ON f.ProductKey = p.ProductKey
JOIN DimEmployee e
ON f.EmployeeKey = e.EmployeeKey
WHERE f.OrderDateKey >= 20030601
AND e.SalesTerritoryKey = 1
GROUP BY p.ModelName, p.EnglishDescription
ORDER BY SUM(f.SalesAmount) DESC...