Integrating distributed tracing with Spring Cloud
As the number of services composing the football
application suite grew, you deployed the following Spring Cloud components: Spring Cloud Gateway, Eureka Server (a registry and discovery service), and Spring Cloud Configuration. You want to configure distributed tracing to monitor the transactions across microservices.
In this recipe, you will integrate distributed tracing with Actuator and OpenZipkin into a system composed of different application microservices and Spring Cloud components.
Getting ready
You will monitor distributed transactions using OpenZipkin. As explained in the Implementing distributed tracing recipe in Chapter 3, you can deploy an OpenZipkin server on your computer using Docker. For that, you can run the following command in your Terminal:
docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
You will reuse the outcome of the Setting up Spring Cloud Config recipe. I’ve prepared a working version in...