Service Data Objects (SDO)
Service Data Objects (SDO) offer a consistent model for managing data, regardless of its source system and source format (Beatty et al. 2003). SDO makes use of a Disconnected Data Architecture. SDO supports the management of data that has been decoupled from its source and transported across different systems and tiers, by subsequently synchronizing it with its source again. SCA and SDO can be used independently of one another, and their specifications have nothing in common. However, a combination of the two specifications represents a powerful and flexible tool for developing distributed applications.
The SDO specification was published jointly by BEA and IBM, standardized as JSR 235, and transferred to the Open Service-Oriented Architecture (OSOA). The current version of the specification is version 2.1 for Java, COBOL, C++, and C (Barber, Edwards 2007).
SDO architecture
SDO consists of data objects, data graphs, and data access services, as shown in the...