Chapter 18: An Introduction to Desktop SDK
We built the Vendor Invoice Posting
project to generate the code in the previous chapter. We also got a brief introduction to the Software Development Kit (SDK) core classes included in the project in the same chapter. SAP Intelligent RPA provides libraries as part of the SDK included in Desktop Studio. The SAP Intelligent RPA refers to these classes collectively as Desktop SDK, or simply SDK. Here in this chapter, we will explore the libraries/classes and the methods they provide in more detail.
We will explore the core SDK and Single Sign-On (SSO) functional extension library in greater depth through the following topics:
- Exploring the Desktop SDK core classes
- Understanding the SSO class
By end of this chapter, you will have acquired knowledge of the core SDK classes provided by SAP Intelligent RPA and how they are used in the source code.
Let's start by exploring the SDK core classes and using these libraries...