The Sixth of the Seven C’s - Commonality
Commonality is a measure of how unique data is. If you know you have collected data that is truly unique in comparison to your peers’ data, then take advantage of that.
In HR, every company has typically collected information that their peers do not have. But let’s think about something like benchmarking. Suppose you find a company that has collected benchmarking data to describe salaries in a way that you have never seen before. This data would be very unique, and therefore more valuable than the data that is offered to everyone else.
Another way to consider commonality is the inverse of coverage. For example, suppose you are hiring for a hard-to-fill position. Your current approach is only yielding 10 potential candidates. You discover a new source that is able to find 100 potential candidates, but it has 6 of the 10 same candidates your original process identified. That means the commonality between the two...