What this book covers
Chapter 1, Serialization Primer, covers serialization and deserialization.
Chapter 2, Protobuf Is a Language, discusses Protobuf syntax.
Chapter 3, Describing Data with Protobuf Text Format, explains how and why to use Protobuf Text format.
Chapter 4, The Protobuf Compiler, discusses generating code and serializing/deserializing data with the compiler.
Chapter 5, Serialization Internals, explains every single part of the serialization/deserialization done by Protobuf.
Chapter 6, Schema Evolution over Time, covers how to evolve your Protobuf schema safely.
Chapter 7, Implementing an Address Book in Go, explains how to interact with generated code in Golang and build an address book.
Chapter 8, Implementing an Address Book in Python, explains how to interact with generated code in Python and build an address book.
Chapter 9, Developing a protoc Plugin in Go, shows you how to write a protoc plugin from scratch in Go.
Chapter 10, Advanced Build, covers the different ways to build your Protobuf projects.