Time for action – using Wizard to implement workflows
Let us see how we can implement adding a new contact as a workflow using a Wizard component. In first step, we need to enter personal details such as, FirstName
, LastName
, and so on. In second step we enter details such as Address details and in third step Contact Information
such as, e-mail and phone.
- Create a Wizard component with three steps for entering personal details, address details, and contact details:
<p:wizard widgetVar="wiz" flowListener="#{wizardController.onFlowProcess}"> <!-- Personal Details Tab --> <p:tab id="personal" title="Personal"> <p:panel header="Personal Details"> <p:messages /> <h:panelGrid columns="2"> <h:outputLabel value="Firstname: *" /> <p:inputText value="#{wizardController.user.firstName}" required="true" label="Firstname...