The Android file system
Understanding the file system is one essential part of forensic methodologies. Knowledge about properties and the structure of a file system proves to be useful during forensic analysis. The file system refers to the way data is stored, organized, and retrieved from a volume. A basic installation may be based on one volume split into several partitions; here, each partition can be managed by a different file system. As is true in Linux, Android utilizes mount points and not drives (that is, C:
orĀ E:
). Each file system defines its own rules for managing the files in the volume. Depending on these rules, each file system offers a different speed for file retrieval, security, size, and so on. Linux uses several file systems and so does Android. From a forensic point of view, it's important to understand which file systems are used by Android and to identify the file systems that are of significance to the investigation. For example, the file system that stores...