Generating light in Blender
In Blender, there are several different methods for generating light. We will sort these methods into three categories: light objects, emission lighting, and environmental lighting. We will now go over them one by one to find out how they work and what they can be used for. This will give us a lot of options for creating the perfect lighting for many different scenarios.
Using light objects
Light objects are a special type of object intended for adding individual sources of light into a scene. They are easy to use and allow us to manually create any type of lighting environment we want. There are four different types of lights: point, sun, spot, and area. To understand how they work, we will study them individually.
Point light
A point light is an object that generates light from a single point. It emits light evenly in all directions from where it is located. The best way to understand how it works is to create one and try to use it yourself...