We explained what Java Platform Enterprise Edition (JEE) is and its main components; among them, we discussed Servlets, JSP, EJB, and WS. We explained what Apache Tomcat is, and downloaded, configured, installed, and initiated it. We explained what Eclipse and WTP are. We downloaded Eclipse, configured its workspace, and installed and initiated it.
Within Eclipse, we created a new project of the type dynamic web and defined its runtime. In order to test our project, we created and configured an Apache Tomcat instance. We configured a JDBC/JNDI connection pool and copied MySQL's JDBC driver into our project. We also copied the required PRD libraries as well as the report 11_Adding_Charts.prpt
We created and configured a Listener for the initialization of PRD's API. To handle requests, processing, and routing, we created and configured a Servlet. We created a web client so that the user can interact with our application. Finally, we packaged our finished project.