Chapter 1. Designing a Strategy
Where do we start to build a strategy? Let's start with a working definition. A strategy is a plan to achieve a goal. Every situation may require different strategies and different plans. However, it is possible to apply a consistent way to design a strategy. The benefit of doing so is that everyone involved learns a consistent language.
In this first chapter I will show you a five-layer strategy framework, developed by global business coaching company Shirlaws ( It can be applied to any business issue that you want to understand in greater detail. The five levels are:
Context: What is the context for deploying ProVision® in your organization?
Strategy: How will you develop a fully documented strategy for the deployment?
Implementation: How will you implement the first deployment across the business?
Next Phase: How will you mentor and pre-plan the next phase?
Leverage: How will you leverage what you have learned across the organization?
Typically, organizations do not pay sufficient attention to the second level and jump straight from Level 1 (context) to Level 3 (implementation). Level 2 (strategy) requires the organization to slow down in order to speed up. As a result, they do not get the full benefits and are unable to leverage.