We have gone a long way in this chapter. This chapter could be a book on its own, but my goal was to give a fast-paced tour of the things that you can do with networks. As I stated in the beginning, this will not be a math book. I want to unlock new capabilities and opportunities for you, and I feel that this chapter and this book can do this for you.
In this chapter, we covered a lot of ground: explaining whole network analysis, describing questions that can help with an analysis, and spending a lot of time actually doing network analysis. We looked at the network as a whole, but we also looked at node centralities, connected components, and layers.
In the next chapter, we are going to learn about egocentric network analysis. We call these ego networks, to be concise. In that chapter, we will zoom in on nodes of interest, to understand the communities and nodes that exist around them. You can think of egocentric network analysis as zooming in.