Challenge yourself!
Before concluding this chapter, I want to bring a challenge forward to you. You have learned how to create networks using text, what an edge list looks like and how to build one in pandas, how to create a network, and how to clean a network, and now you have an introduction to whole network analysis. You now have every tool required to start your journey into network analysis. I will explain how to do much more in later chapters, but you have all the tools you need to get started and get hooked on network analysis.
I want to challenge you to think about your own data, about the data you work with, about the social networks you play on, about the work networks you collaborate in, and more. I want you to consider how you could take these living networks, describe them in an edge list (it’s just source and target columns), render a network visualization, and analyze the networks. You have the tools to do this, and networks are all around us. I recommend that...