Useful Python Libraries
In this chapter, I’m going to introduce several of the Python libraries we will be using in this book. I will describe what they are and how to install them, and give examples of a few useful things you can do with them. You do not have to memorize all of the capabilities of every Python library that you use, or thoroughly understand the internals of every single function that you use. It is important that you understand what libraries are available, what overall capabilities they have, and what critically important timesavers are in the library (this will keep you coming back for more). Everyone’s use case is different, and there is no way to memorize everything. I recommend that you internalize this point as quickly as possible, and learn what you need to when you need it. Learn about the internals in as much depth as you need.
To keep this organized, I am separating software libraries by category. Here are the libraries we will discuss: