Layer 4 protocols – UDP, TCP, and QUIC
Layer 4, the Transport Layer, provides logical communication between application processes running on different hosts. There are several protocols in layer 4. The most commonly used are the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which is an unreliable connectionless protocol, and the Transport Control Protocol (TCP), which is a reliable connection-oriented protocol.
Additional protocols include Google's Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), which is a protocol developed by Google to improve web performance over the internet, and Stream Control Transport Protocol (SCTP), which is mostly used in cellular networks.
In this chapter, we will mostly talk about TCP, with a brief look at UDP (there is not much to say about this...) and QUIC.
UDP, which is an unreliable connectionless protocol, is a very simple protocol, as you can see from the UDP header in Figure 2.27:
Figure 2.27 – A UDP header