Data federation using Amazon Redshift
Federated queries can be executed even from inside Redshift, allowing Redshift data to be joined with data from relational data sources such as PostgreSQL and MySQL, either on Amazon RDS or on Amazon Aurora. For certain use cases, it does not make sense to spend time creating an ETL pipeline to load data inside Redshift. Redshift can connect to these sources and distribute the execution of such queries down to the data source itself to improve performance.
The following figure highlights the current data sources that Redshift federated queries can work with. With the federated architecture in place inside Redshift, more source connectors may get added in the future, to expand the ecosystem and broaden the use cases that can be solved with this architecture pattern:

Figure 9.7 – Redshift federated queries
Amazon Redshift federated queries use case
To understand this better, let’s consider a use case...