Creating a SysOperation service
In this demonstration, we will create a SysOperation service that detects members with overdue rentals. These members will get the status "blocked" by setting a checkbox on the member in the database.
The dialog for the service will look like the following screenshot:

As you can see, a query enables you to select the members for which the rentals should be checked. By enabling the checkbox, you can override the number of overdue days that are allowed before a member is blocked.
The SysOperation framework uses services to execute business logic, so you have already learned most of the skills needed in Chapter 4, Custom Services.
Data contract
We will create a new data contract, but because we have already demonstrated the creation of a data contract in the earlier chapters, we can be briefer here. The data contract that we'll make will have three members:
: Holds the value for the number of overdue days that are allowed.parmOverrideNumOfDays...