Over the past several years, the average size of websites has increased dramatically. The average web page today is 300% larger than their counterparts from 2013. The largest source of that increase in file size for websites can be found in images. In fact, images are responsible for over 50% of the file size of your average website, as seen in the following table:
Type of asset | 2011 | 2013 | 2015 | 2017 |
HTML | 37 KB | 54 KB | 54 KB | 26 KB |
Style sheets | 28 KB | 38 KB | 64 KB | 60 KB |
Fonts | 5 KB | 22 KB | 100 KB | 97 KB |
Scripts | 135 KB | 227 KB | 337 KB | 347 KB |
Images | 482 KB | 915 KB | 1332 KB</span> | 1714 KB |
Total page size | 799 KB | 1097 KB | 2131 KB | 3034 KB |
From: HTTP Archive Project, Interesting Stats - http://httparchive.org/interesting.php
Being able to optimize image resources is a critical tool to maintain the speed and performance of our websites...