Asynchronous systems and backpressure
In the competitive world, asynchronous communication has become a key element in modern web applications because it promises efficiency and scalability. When we use the term “asynchronous,” reactive systems come to mind. As we already know, the need for an asynchronous system comes from the requirement to handle lots of data streams. So, the system should handle these streams and protect itself from exhaustion. At this point, the role of backpressure arises.
In this section, we will discover what backpressure is and how we can implement it in our current sample project.
Diving into backpressure
We were told that backpressure is a lifesaver mechanism, but we need to clarify this. In this section, we are going to discuss what backpressure is, why we need it, and how it protects our systems.
What is backpressure?
Imagine a situation where there is a high-speed conveyor belt delivering products to a packer. If the packer...