Using Timely as a time series database
Now that we are able to transform raw information into a clean series of Twitter sentiment with parameters such as hashtags, emojis, or US states, such a time series should be stored reliably and made available for fast query lookups.
In the Hadoop ecosystem, OpenTSDB ( is the default database for storing millions of chronological data points. However, instead of using the obvious candidate, we will introduce one you may not have come across before, called Timely ( Timely is a recently open sourced project started by the National Security Agency (NSA), as a clone of OpenTSDB, which uses Accumulo instead of HBase for its underlying storage. As you may recall, Accumulo supports cell-level security, and we will see this later on.
Storing data
Each record is composed of a metric name (for example, hashtag), timestamp, metric value (for example, sentiment), an associated set of tags (for...